C#: Find the longest common ending between two given strings
Write a C# Sharp program to find the longest common ending between two given strings.
Sample Solution:
C# Sharp Code:
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace exercises
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Declare and initialize two string variables
string str1 = "running";
string str2 = "ruminating";
// Display the original strings
Console.WriteLine("Original strings: " + str1 + " " + str2);
// Display the common ending between the two strings
Console.WriteLine("\nCommon ending between said two strings:" + test(str1, str2));
// Change the values of str1 and str2
str1 = "thisisatest";
str2 = "testing123testing";
// Display the new original strings
Console.WriteLine("\nOriginal strings: " + str1 + " " + str2);
// Display the common ending between the two strings
Console.WriteLine("\nCommon ending between said two strings:" + test(str1, str2));
// Define a method 'test' that takes two string arguments and returns the common ending between them
public static string test(string st1, string st2)
// Loop through the characters of st1
for (int i = 0; i < st1.Length; i++)
// Get the substring of st1 starting from index i
string end = st1.Substring(i);
// Check if st2 ends with the obtained substring of st1
if (st2.EndsWith(end))
// Return the common ending
return end;
// If no common ending is found, return an empty string
return "";
Sample Output:
Original strings: running ruminating Common ending between said two strings:ing Original strings: thisisatest testing123testing Common ending between said two strings:
Flowchart :

C# Sharp Code Editor:
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