
C#: Reverse all the words of a given string which have even length

Write a C# Sharp program to reverse all the words of a given string with even length.

Sample Solution:-

C# Sharp Code:

using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace exercises
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Declare and initialize a string variable
            string str1 = "C# Exercises";

            // Display the original string
            Console.WriteLine("Original string: " + str1);

            // Display the string after reversing words with even length
            Console.WriteLine("\nReverse all the words of the said string which have even length.:\n" + test(str1));

            // Change the value of str1
            str1 = "C# is used to develop web apps , desktop apps , mobile apps , games and much more.";

            // Display the new original string
            Console.WriteLine("\nOriginal string: " + str1);

            // Display the string after reversing words with even length
            Console.WriteLine("\nReverse all the words of the said string which have even length.:\n" + test(str1));

        // Define a method 'test' that takes a string argument 'text' and returns a modified string
        public static string test(string text)
            // Split the input text into words and check if the length of each word is even.
            // If the length is even, reverse the characters; otherwise, keep the word as it is.
            return string.Join(" ", text.Split(' ').Select(str => str.Length % 2 != 0 ? str : new String(str.Reverse().ToArray())));

Sample Output:

Original string: C# Exercises

Reverse all the words of the said string which have even length.:
#C Exercises

Original string: C# is used to develop web apps , desktop apps , mobile apps , games and much more.

Reverse all the words of the said string which have even length.:
#C si desu ot develop web sppa , desktop sppa , elibom sppa , games and hcum more.

Flowchart :

Flowchart: C# Sharp Exercises - Reverse all the words of a given string which have even length.

C# Sharp Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a C# Sharp program to alternate the case of each letter in a given string and the first letter of the said string must be uppercase.
Next: Write a C# Sharp program to find the longest common ending between two given strings.

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