C#: Reverse the case of all characters of given string
Write a C# Sharp program to reverse the case (upper->lower, lower->upper) of all the characters in a given string.
Sample Solution:-
C# Sharp Code:
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace exercises
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Display the original string and its case-reversed version for different inputs
Console.WriteLine("Original string: PHP");
Console.WriteLine("After reversing the case of all characters of the said string: " + test("PHP"));
Console.WriteLine("\nOriginal string: JavaScript");
Console.WriteLine("After reversing the case of all characters of the said string: " + test("JavaScript"));
Console.WriteLine("\nOriginal string: Python 3.0");
Console.WriteLine("After reversing the case of all characters of the said string: " + test("Python 3.0"));
// Method to reverse the case of all characters in the input string
public static string test(string text)
// Using LINQ, iterate through each character in the string and reverse its case
// If the character is uppercase, convert it to lowercase, and vice versa
return string.Concat(text.Select(x => char.IsUpper(x) ? char.ToLower(x) : char.ToUpper(x)));
Sample Output:
Original string: PHP After reversing the case of all characters of the said string: php Original string: JavaScript After reversing the case of all characters of the said string: jAVAsCRIPT Original string: Python 3.0 After reversing the case of all characters of the said string: pYTHON 3.0
Flowchart :

C# Sharp Code Editor:
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Previous: Write a C# Sharp program to find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters from a given string.
Next: Write a C# Sharp program to find the middle character(s) of a given string. Return the middle character if the length of the string is odd and return two middle characters if the length of the string is even.
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