C#: Demonstrate how culture can affect a comparison
Write a C# Sharp program to demonstrate how culture affects comparisons.
Note : In Czech – Czech Republic culture, "ch" is a single character that is greater than "d". However, in English - United States culture, "ch" consists of two characters, and "c" is less than "d".
Sample Solution:-
C# Sharp Code:
using System;
using System.Globalization;
class Example27
public static void Main() {
// Declare and initialize two strings for comparison
String str1 = "change";
String str2 = "dollar";
// Declare a variable to hold the relationship between the strings
String relation = null;
// Perform string comparison for "en-US" culture
relation = symbol(String.Compare(str1, str2, false, new CultureInfo("en-US")));
// Display the relationship between str1 and str2 for the "en-US" culture
Console.WriteLine("\nFor en-US: {0} {1} {2}", str1, relation, str2);
// Perform string comparison for "cs-CZ" culture
relation = symbol(String.Compare(str1, str2, false, new CultureInfo("cs-CZ")));
// Display the relationship between str1 and str2 for the "cs-CZ" culture
Console.WriteLine("For cs-CZ: {0} {1} {2}\n", str1, relation, str2);
// Method to convert comparison result to symbols (<, =, >)
private static String symbol(int r) {
String s = "=";
if (r < 0)
s = "<"; // If result is less than 0, set symbol to <
else if (r > 0)
s = ">"; // If result is greater than 0, set symbol to >
return s; // Return the symbol
Sample Output:
For en-US: change < dollar For cs-CZ: change > dollar
Flowchart :

C# Sharp Code Editor:
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