
C#: Check username and password

Write a program in C# Sharp to check the username and password.

C# Sharp Exercises: Check username and password.

Sample Solution:-

C# Sharp Code:

using System;

// Define the Exercise16 class
public class Exercise16
    // Main method - entry point of the program
    public static void Main()
        string username, password; // Declare variables to store username and password
        int ctr = 0; // Counter for login attempts

        // Prompt the user to check username and password
        Console.Write("\n\nCheck username and password :\n");
        Console.Write("N.B. : Default username and password are: abcd and 1234\n");

        // Start a do-while loop for login attempts
            Console.Write("Input a username: ");
            username = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the input username

            Console.Write("Input a password: ");
            password = Console.ReadLine(); // Read the input password

            // Check if username or password is incorrect
            if (username != "abcd" || password != "1234")
                ctr++; // Increment the login attempt counter
                ctr = 1; // Set the counter to 1 to break the loop if credentials are correct

        } while ((username != "abcd" || password != "1234") && (ctr != 3)); // Continue loop until valid credentials or max attempts reached

        // Check if the maximum login attempts are reached
        if (ctr == 3)
            Console.Write("\nLogin attempt three or more times. Try later!\n\n");
            Console.Write("\nThe password entered successfully!\n\n");

Sample Output:

Check username and password :                                                                                 
N.B. : Default username and password is : abcd and 1234                                                       
Input a username: abcd                                                                                        
Input a password: 1234                                                                                        
The password entered successfully!


Flowchart: Check username and password.

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