C#: Verify at least one element satisfy a condition
Write a C# program that implements a stack and checks if at least one element of the stack satisfies a condition.
Sample Solution:
C# Code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Stack
private int[] items; // Array to hold stack elements
private int top; // Index of the top element in the stack
// Constructor to initialize the stack with a specified size
public Stack(int size)
items = new int[size]; // Create an array of integers with the given size
top = -1; // Initialize top index to -1, indicating an empty stack
// Check if the stack is empty
public bool IsEmpty()
return top == -1; // Returns true if the stack is empty
// Check if the stack is full
public bool IsFull()
return top == items.Length - 1; // Returns true if the stack is full
// Push an element onto the stack
public void Push(int item)
if (IsFull())
Console.WriteLine("Stack Full!"); // Display a message indicating stack overflow if the stack is full
items[++top] = item; // Increment top and add the item to the stack
// Pop an element from the stack
public int Pop()
if (IsEmpty())
Console.WriteLine("Stack underflow"); // Display a message indicating stack underflow if the stack is empty
return -1;
return items[top--]; // Return and decrement top to remove the element from the stack
// Peek at the top element of the stack without removing it
public int Peek()
if (IsEmpty())
Console.WriteLine("Stack is empty"); // Display a message indicating the stack is empty
return -1;
return items[top]; // Return the top element of the stack
// Static method to get the size of a stack
public static int Size(Stack stack)
return stack.top + 1; // Return the size of the stack based on the current top index
// Method to count all the elements in a stack
public static int Count(Stack stack)
int count = 0;
Stack temp = new Stack(Size(stack));
// Move elements from the original stack to a temporary stack and count them
while (!stack.IsEmpty())
temp.Push(stack.Pop()); // Move elements from the original stack to the temporary stack
count++; // Increment count for each element moved
// Restore the original stack by moving elements back from the temporary stack
while (!temp.IsEmpty())
stack.Push(temp.Pop()); // Move elements back to the original stack
return count; // Return the total count of elements in the stack
// Method to verify if at least one stack element satisfies a given condition
public static bool any(Stack stack, Func<int, bool> condition)
Stack temp = new Stack(Size(stack));
bool result = false;
while (!stack.IsEmpty())
int item = stack.Pop();
if (condition(item)) // Check if the condition is satisfied for any element
result = true; // Update result to indicate at least one element satisfies the condition
temp.Push(item); // Push the element to the temporary stack
while (!temp.IsEmpty())
stack.Push(temp.Pop()); // Restore the original stack by moving elements back
return result; // Return whether at least one element satisfies the condition
// Method to display the elements of the stack
public static void Display(Stack stack)
if (stack.IsEmpty())
Console.WriteLine("Stack is empty"); // Display a message if the stack is empty
Console.WriteLine("Stack elements:");
for (int i = stack.top; i >= 0; i--)
Console.Write(stack.items[i] + " "); // Display elements of the stack
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Stack stack1 = new Stack(10);
Console.Write("\nCheck if at least one element of the stack is even? ");
Boolean result = Stack.any(stack1, element => element % 2 == 0);
Console.Write("\nCheck if at least one element of the stack is greater than 10: ");
Boolean result1 = Stack.any(stack1, element => element > 10);
Console.Write("\nCheck if at least one element of the stack is odd? ");
result = Stack.any(stack1, element => element % 2 != 0);
Console.Write("\nCheck if at least one element of the stack is less than 3: ");
result = Stack.any(stack1, element => element < 3);
Sample Output:
Stack elements: 6 5 4 3 2 1 Check if at least one element of the stack is odd? True Check if at least one element of the stack is greater than 10: False Check if at least one element of the stack is odd? True Check if at least one element of the stack is less than 3: True

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