
C#: Generate all possible permutations of an array

Write a program in C# Sharp to generate all possible permutations of an array using recursion.

Visual Presentation:

C# Sharp Exercises: Generate all possible permutations of an array

Sample Solution:

C# Sharp Code:

using System;

// Class formPermut contains methods to perform permutation operations
class formPermut
    // Method to swap two numbers using pass-by-reference
    public void swapTwoNumber(ref int a, ref int b)
        int temp = a;
        a = b;
        b = temp;

    // Method to generate permutations of elements in the array
    public void prnPermut(int[] list, int k, int m)
        int i;
        // If k equals m, it signifies a complete permutation
        if (k == m)
            for (i = 0; i <= m; i++)
                Console.Write("{0}", list[i]); // Print the permutation
            Console.Write(" "); // Space after each permutation
            // Loop to generate permutations
            for (i = k; i <= m; i++)
                swapTwoNumber(ref list[k], ref list[i]); // Swap elements at positions k and i
                prnPermut(list, k + 1, m); // Recursively generate permutations for the remaining elements
                swapTwoNumber(ref list[k], ref list[i]); // Restore the original order for backtracking

// Main class RecExercise11 to execute permutation generation
class RecExercise11
    public static void Main()
        int n, i;
        formPermut test = new formPermut();
        int[] arr1 = new int[5];

        Console.WriteLine("\n\n Recursion : Generate all possible permutations of an array :");

        // Accept user input for the number of elements in the array
        Console.Write(" Input the number of elements to store in the array [maximum 5 digits]: ");
        n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
        Console.Write(" Input {0} number of elements in the array:\n", n);

        // Accept user input for array elements
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            Console.Write(" element - {0} : ", i);
            arr1[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

        // Display generated permutations of the array elements
        Console.Write("\n The Permutations with a combination of {0} digits are: \n", n);
        test.prnPermut(arr1, 0, n - 1);

Sample Output:

Recursion : Generate all possible permutations of an array :                                                 
 Input the number of elements to store in the array [maximum 5 digits ] :3                                    
 Input 3 number of elements in the array :                                                                    
 element - 0 : 1                                                                                              
 element - 1 : 2                                                                                              
 element - 2 : 3                                                                                              
 The Permutations with a combination of 3 digits are :                                                        
123 132 213 231 321 312

Flowchart :

Flowchart: C# Sharp Exercises - Generate all possible permutations of an array.

C# Sharp Code Editor:

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