
C#: Check two strings contain the same character pattern

Write a C# Sharp program to check whether two given strings contain the same character pattern.

"AACC", "PPQQ" has the same pattern. "FFGG", "ADAD" does not have the same pattern.

Sample Data:
("AACC", "PPRR") -> True
("FFGG", "ADAD") -> False

Sample Solution:

C# Sharp Code:

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace exercises
    class Program
        // Main method - entry point of the program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Initialize two string variables with some text content
            string text1 = "AACC";
            string text2 = "PPRR";

            // Display the original strings
            Console.WriteLine("Original strings: " + text1 + ", " + text2);

            // Check if the lengths of the strings are the same before checking the character pattern
            if (text1.Length == text2.Length)
                // Check if the two strings contain the same character pattern
                Console.WriteLine("Check if said two strings contain the same character pattern: " + test(text1, text2));

            // Update the string variables with different content
            text1 = "FFGG";
            text2 = "ADAD";

            // Display the updated strings
            Console.WriteLine("\nOriginal strings: " + text1 + ", " + text2);

            // Check if the lengths of the updated strings are the same before checking the character pattern
            if (text1.Length == text2.Length)
                // Check if the two updated strings contain the same character pattern
                Console.WriteLine("Check if said two strings contain the same character pattern: " + test(text1, text2));

        // Method to check if two strings contain the same character pattern
        public static bool test(string text1, string text2)
            // Loop through each character in the first string
            for (int i = 0; i < text1.Length; i++)
                // Check if the position of the character in both strings is the same
                // If not, return false indicating different character patterns
                if (text1.IndexOf(text1.Substring(i, 1), i + 1) != text2.IndexOf(text2.Substring(i, 1), i + 1))
                    return false;

            // If all characters' positions match in both strings, return true indicating the same character pattern
            return true;

Sample Output:

Original strings: AACC, PPRR
Check said two strings contain the same character pattern: True

Original strings: FFGG, ADAD
Check said two strings contain the same character pattern: False


Flowchart: C# Sharp Exercises - Check two strings contain the same character pattern.

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