C#: Whole number and fractional part from a positive and a negative Decimal number, Double number
Write a C# Sharp program to find the whole number and fractional part from a positive and negative Decimal number, Double number.
Sample Solution:
C# Sharp Code:
using System;
using System.Text;
namespace exercises {
class Program {
public static void Main() {
decimal decimalNumber;
decimalNumber = 52.7365m;
Console.WriteLine("Original Decimal Number: "+decimalNumber);
Console.WriteLine("The whole number and fractional part of the said positive Decimal number:");
decimalNumber = -52.736m;
Console.WriteLine("Original Decimal Number: "+decimalNumber);
Console.WriteLine("The whole number and fractional part of the said negative Decimal number:");
double floatNumber;
floatNumber = 92.73165;
Console.WriteLine("Original Double Number: "+floatNumber);
Console.WriteLine("The whole number and fractional part of the said positive Float number:");
floatNumber = -42.7636;
Console.WriteLine("Original Double Number: "+floatNumber);
Console.WriteLine("The whole number and fractional part of the said negative Float number:");
Sample Output:
Original Decimal Number: 52.7365 The whole number and fractional part of the said positive Decimal number: 52 0.7365 Original Decimal Number: -52.736 The whole number and fractional part of the said negative Decimal number: -52 -0.736 Original Double Number: 92.73165 The whole number and fractional part of the said positive Float number: 92 0.731650000000002 Original Double Number: -42.7636 The whole number and fractional part of the said negative Float number: -42 -0.763599999999997

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