C#: Display n number of multiplication table vertically
Write a program in C# Sharp to display the multiplication table vertically from 1 to n.
Visual Presentation:

Sample Solution:
C# Sharp Code:
using System; // Importing necessary namespace
public class Exercise7 // Declaration of the Exercise7 class
public static void Main() // Main method, entry point of the program
int j, i, n; // Declaration of variables 'j' and 'i' for iteration and 'n' to store the input number
Console.Write("\n\n"); // Displaying new lines
Console.Write("Display the multiplication table vertically from 1 to n:\n"); // Displaying the purpose of the program
Console.Write("---------------------------------------------------------"); // Displaying a separator
Console.Write("Input up to the table number starting from 1 : "); // Prompting the user to input a number for the multiplication table
n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Reading the number entered by the user
Console.Write("Multiplication table from 1 to {0} \n", n); // Displaying the range of multiplication table
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) // Outer loop to generate rows for the multiplication table up to 10
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) // Inner loop to generate columns for each number up to 'n'
if (j <= n - 1) // Checking if it's not the last column of the table
Console.Write("{0}x{1} = {2}, ", j, i, i * j); // Displaying the multiplication table entry with comma separation
Console.Write("{0}x{1} = {2}", j, i, i * j); // Displaying the multiplication table entry for the last column
Console.Write("\n"); // Moving to the next line after completing a row in the table
Sample Output:
Display the multiplication table vertically from 1 to n: --------------------------------------------------------- Input upto the table number starting from 1 : 5 Multiplication table from 1 to 5 1x1 = 1, 2x1 = 2, 3x1 = 3, 4x1 = 4, 5x1 = 5 1x2 = 2, 2x2 = 4, 3x2 = 6, 4x2 = 8, 5x2 = 10 1x3 = 3, 2x3 = 6, 3x3 = 9, 4x3 = 12, 5x3 = 15 1x4 = 4, 2x4 = 8, 3x4 = 12, 4x4 = 16, 5x4 = 20 1x5 = 5, 2x5 = 10, 3x5 = 15, 4x5 = 20, 5x5 = 25 1x6 = 6, 2x6 = 12, 3x6 = 18, 4x6 = 24, 5x6 = 30 1x7 = 7, 2x7 = 14, 3x7 = 21, 4x7 = 28, 5x7 = 35 1x8 = 8, 2x8 = 16, 3x8 = 24, 4x8 = 32, 5x8 = 40 1x9 = 9, 2x9 = 18, 3x9 = 27, 4x9 = 36, 5x9 = 45 1x10 = 10, 2x10 = 20, 3x10 = 30, 4x10 = 40, 5x10 = 50

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