C#: Print a string in reverse order
Write a program in C# Sharp to print a string in reverse order.

Sample Solution:-
C# Sharp Code:
using System; // Importing necessary namespace
public class Exercise57 // Declaration of the Exercise57 class
public static void Main() // Main method, entry point of the program
string str, str1 = ""; // Declaration of string variables
int i, l; // Declaration of integer variables
Console.Write("Print a string in reverse order:\n");
Console.Write("Input a String: ");
str = Console.ReadLine(); // Taking user input for a string
l = str.Length - 1; // Finding the length of the string
// Loop to reverse the given string
for (i = l; i >= 0; i--)
str1 = str1 + str[i]; // Building the reversed string
// Displaying the reversed string
Console.WriteLine("The string in Reverse Order Is: {0}", str1);
Sample Output:
Print a string in reverse order: ---------------------------------- Input A String : W3RESOURCE The string in Reverse Order Is : ECRUOSER3W

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