C#: Convert a number in decimal to hexadecimal
Write a program in C# Sharp to convert a decimal number to hexadecimal.

Sample Solution:-
C# Sharp Code:
using System; // Importing necessary namespace
public class Exercise55 // Declaration of the Exercise55 class
public static void Main() // Main method, entry point of the program
int decn, q, dn = 0, m, l; // Declaration of variables
int tmp;
int s;
Console.Write("Convert a number in decimal to hexadecimal:\n");
Console.Write("Input any Decimal number: ");
decn = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Taking user input for a decimal number
q = decn;
// Converting decimal to hexadecimal
for (l = q; l > 0; l = l / 16)
tmp = l % 16;
if (tmp < 10)
tmp = tmp + 48; // For digits less than 10, adding ASCII value of '0'
tmp = tmp + 55; // For digits greater than 9, adding ASCII value of 'A'
dn = dn * 100 + tmp; // Generating a number with two digits for each hexadecimal character
Console.Write("\nThe equivalent Hexadecimal Number : ");
// Reconstructing the hexadecimal number by extracting digits from the generated number
for (m = dn; m > 0; m = m / 100)
s = m % 100; // Extracting two digits at a time
Console.Write("{0}", (char)s); // Printing the character equivalent of the hexadecimal number
Console.Write("\n\n"); // Adding new lines for better readability
Sample Output:
Convert a number in decimal to hexadecimal: --------------------------------------------- Input any Decimal number: 1015 The equivalent Hexadecimal Number : 3F7

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