
C#: Print the name of the first three letters of month of a year starting form current date

Write a C# Sharp program to print the name of the first three letters of each month of a year starting from current date.

Sample Solution:-

C# Sharp Code:

using System; // Importing the System namespace

class dttimeex50 // Declaring a class named dttimeex50
    static void Main() // Declaring the Main method
        Console.Write("\n\n Display the name of the first three letters of month of a year :\n"); // Displaying a message in the console
        Console.Write("---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); // Displaying a separator line
        DateTime now = DateTime.Now; // Initializing a DateTime object with the current date and time
        Console.WriteLine(" The date of Today : {0}",now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); // Displaying the current date in the specified format
        Console.WriteLine(" The twelve months are :"); // Displaying a message about the twelve months
        for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) // Looping through 12 months
            Console.WriteLine(" {0}",now.ToString("MMM")); // Displaying the abbreviated name of the current month
            now = now.AddMonths(1); // Moving to the next month
        Console.WriteLine(); // Outputting a blank line for better readability

Sample Output:

Display the name of the first three letters of month of a year :                                             
 The date of Today : 12/06/2017                                                                               
 The twelve months are :                                                                                      


Flowchart: C# Sharp Exercises - print the name of the first three letters of month of a year starting form current date

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Previous: Write a program in C# Sharp to get the day and month name of current date.
Next: Write a program in C# Sharp to print the name of month in full starting from current date.

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