
C#: String representation of a date and time using CultureInfo objects

Write a C# Sharp program to display the string representation of a date and time using CultureInfo objects that represent five different cultures.

Sample Solution:-

C# Sharp Code:

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example37
   public static void Main()
      // Array of CultureInfo objects representing various cultures.
      CultureInfo[] cultures = new CultureInfo[] {
         CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, // Invariant Culture
         new CultureInfo("en-ZA"),    // English (South Africa)
         new CultureInfo("ko-KR"),    // Korean (Korea)
         new CultureInfo("de-DE"),    // German (Germany)
         new CultureInfo("es-ES"),    // Spanish (Spain)
         new CultureInfo("en-US")     // English (United States)

      // A specific DateTime object
      DateTime thisDate = new DateTime(2016, 5, 17, 9, 0, 0);

      // Iterate through each culture and display the formatted date
      foreach (CultureInfo culture in cultures)
         string cultureName;
         // Determine the culture's name to display
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(culture.Name))
            cultureName = culture.NativeName; // Use native name if no specific name
            cultureName = culture.Name;

         // Display the formatted date in the specified culture
         Console.WriteLine("In {0}, {1}",
                           cultureName, thisDate.ToString(culture));

Sample Output:

In Invariant Language (Invariant Country), 05/17/2016 09:00:00                                                
In en-ZA, 2016-05-17 09:00:00 AM                                                                              
In ko-KR, 2016-05-17 오전 9:00:00                                                                               
In de-DE, 17.05.2016 09:00:00                                                                                 
In es-ES, 17/05/2016 9:00:00                                                                                  
In en-US, 5/17/2016 9:00:00 AM  

Flowchart :

Flowchart: C# Sharp Exercises - String representation of a date and time using CultureInfo objects

C# Sharp Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a C# Sharp program to convert the value of the current DateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the formatting conventions of the current culture.
Next: Write a C# Sharp program to uses following three format strings to display a date and time value by using the conventions of the en-CA and sv-FI cultures.

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