
C#: Test a password

Write a C# Sharp program that takes userid and password as input (string type). After 3 unsuccessful attempts, the user will be rejected.

Sample Solution:-

C# Sharp Code:

using System;

public class Exercise3
    public static void Main()
        // Declaration of variables
        string username, password;
        int ctr = 0, dd = 0;

        // Display instructions for username and password
        Console.Write("\n\nCheck username and password :\n");
        Console.Write("N.B. : Default username and password is: username and password\n");

        // Loop for username and password input
            // Prompt user to input a username
            Console.Write("Input a username: ");
            username = Console.ReadLine();

            // Prompt user to input a password
            Console.Write("Input a password: ");
            password = Console.ReadLine();

            // Check if the entered username and password match the default values
            if (username == "username" && password == "password")
                // Set dd flag to 1 if username and password match
                dd = 1;
                // Reset the attempt counter to 3 if the correct login is done
                ctr = 3;
                // Set dd flag to 0 if username and password don't match
                dd = 0;
                // Increment the attempt counter
        while ((username != "username" || password != "password") && (ctr != 3));

        // Display messages based on login attempt results
        if (dd == 0)
            // Display a message if login attempts exceed three times
            Console.Write("\nLogin attempt more than three times. Try later!\n\n");
        else if (dd == 1)
            // Display a success message if password entered successfully
            Console.Write("\nPassword entered successfully!\n\n");

Sample Output:

Input a username: robin                                                                                       
Input a password: sds45                                                                                       
Input a username: john                                                                                        
Input a password: dfgrt                                                                                       
Input a username: doom                                                                                        
Input a password: jkkl                                                                                        
Login attemp more than three times. Try later!

Visual Presentation:

C# Sharp Data Types: Display a triangle


Flowchart: Test a password

C# Sharp Code Editor:

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Next: Write a C# Sharp program that takes two numbers as input and perform an operation (+,-,*,x,/) on them and displays the result of that operation.

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