C#: Calculate root of Quadratic Equation
Write a C# Sharp program to calculate the root of a quadratic equation.
Sample Solution:-
C# Sharp Code:
using System; // Importing the System namespace
public class Exercise11 // Declaration of the Exercise11 class
public static void Main() // Entry point of the program
int a, b, c; // Declaration of integer variables a, b, and c for quadratic equation coefficients
double d, x1, x2; // Declaration of double variables d, x1, and x2 for discriminant and roots
Console.Write("\n\n"); // Printing new lines
Console.Write("Calculate root of Quadratic Equation :\n"); // Displaying the purpose of the program
Console.Write("----------------------------------------"); // Displaying a separator
Console.Write("Input the value of a : "); // Prompting user to input the value of coefficient a
a = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Reading the input value of coefficient a from the user
Console.Write("Input the value of b : "); // Prompting user to input the value of coefficient b
b = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Reading the input value of coefficient b from the user
Console.Write("Input the value of c : "); // Prompting user to input the value of coefficient c
c = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Reading the input value of coefficient c from the user
d = b * b - 4 * a * c; // Calculating the discriminant
if (d == 0) // Checking if the discriminant is equal to 0
Console.Write("Both roots are equal.\n"); // Printing a message if both roots are equal
x1 = -b / (2.0 * a); // Calculating the root when discriminant is zero
x2 = x1; // Assigning the same root to x2
Console.Write("First Root Root1= {0}\n", x1); // Printing the root when discriminant is zero
Console.Write("Second Root Root2= {0}\n", x2); // Printing the root when discriminant is zero
else if (d > 0) // Checking if the discriminant is greater than 0
Console.Write("Both roots are real and different.\n"); // Printing a message if roots are real and different
x1 = (-b + Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * a); // Calculating the first root
x2 = (-b - Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * a); // Calculating the second root
Console.Write("First Root Root1= {0}\n", x1); // Printing the first root
Console.Write("Second Root Root2= {0}\n", x2); // Printing the second root
Console.Write("Roots are imaginary;\nNo Solution. \n\n"); // Printing a message if roots are imaginary
Sample Output:
Calculate root of Quadratic Equation : ---------------------------------------- Input the value of a : 1 Input the value of b : 2 Input the value of c : 1 Both roots are equal. First Root Root1= -1 Second Root Root2= -1
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