C#: Find eligibility for admission using Nested If Statement
Write a C# Sharp program to determine the eligibility for admission to a professional course based on the following criteria:
Marks in Maths >=65Marks in Phy >=55
Marks in Chem>=50
Total in all three subject >=180
Total in Math and Subjects >=140
Sample Solution:-
C# Sharp Code:
using System; // Importing the System namespace
public class Exercise10 // Declaration of the Exercise10 class
public static void Main() // Entry point of the program
int p, c, m; // Declaration of integer variables p, c, and m for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics marks
Console.Write("\n\n"); // Printing new lines
Console.Write("Find eligibility for admission :\n"); // Displaying the purpose of the program
Console.Write("----------------------------------"); // Displaying a separator
Console.Write("Eligibility Criteria :\n"); // Displaying eligibility criteria
Console.Write("Marks in Maths >=65\n");
Console.Write("and Marks in Phy >=55\n");
Console.Write("and Marks in Chem>=50\n");
Console.Write("and Total in all three subject >=180\n");
Console.Write("or Total in Maths and Physics >=140\n");
Console.Write("Input the marks obtained in Physics :"); // Prompting user to input Physics marks
p = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Reading the input Physics marks from the user
Console.Write("Input the marks obtained in Chemistry :"); // Prompting user to input Chemistry marks
c = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Reading the input Chemistry marks from the user
Console.Write("Input the marks obtained in Mathematics :"); // Prompting user to input Mathematics marks
m = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Reading the input Mathematics marks from the user
Console.Write("Total marks of Maths, Physics and Chemistry : {0}\n", m + p + c); // Calculating and displaying the total marks in all three subjects
Console.Write("Total marks of Maths and Physics : {0}\n", m + p); // Calculating and displaying the total marks in Maths and Physics
if (m >= 65) // Checking if marks in Mathematics are greater than or equal to 65
if (p >= 55) // Checking if marks in Physics are greater than or equal to 55
if (c >= 50) // Checking if marks in Chemistry are greater than or equal to 50
if ((m + p + c) >= 180 || (m + p) >= 140) // Checking if the total marks fulfill the given criteria for admission
Console.Write("The candidate is eligible for admission.\n"); // Printing a message if the candidate is eligible
Console.Write("The candidate is not eligible.\n\n"); // Printing a message if the candidate is not eligible
Console.Write("The candidate is not eligible.\n\n"); // Printing a message if the candidate is not eligible
Console.Write("The candidate is not eligible.\n\n"); // Printing a message if the candidate is not eligible
Console.Write("The candidate is not eligible.\n\n"); // Printing a message if the candidate is not eligible
Sample Output:
Find eligibility for admission : ---------------------------------- Eligibility Criteria : Marks in Maths >=65 and Marks in Phy >=55 and Marks in Chem>=50 and Total in all three subject >=180 or Total in Maths and Physics >=140 ------------------------------------- Input the marks obtained in Physics :65 Input the marks obtained in Chemistry :60 Input the marks obtained in Mathematics :75 Total marks of Maths, Physics and Chemistry : 200 Total marks of Maths and Physics : 140 The candidate is eligible for admission.

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