C#: Convert all the values of a given array of mixed values to string values
Convert Array Elements to Strings
Write a C# Sharp program to convert all the values of a given array of mixed values to string values.
Sample Solution:
C# Sharp Code:
using System;
namespace exercises
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Creating an array of objects to hold different types of values
object[] mixedArray = new object[5];
mixedArray[0] = 25; // Integer value
mixedArray[1] = "Anna"; // String value
mixedArray[2] = false; // Boolean value
mixedArray[3] = System.DateTime.Now; // Current date and time value
mixedArray[4] = 112.22; // Double value
// Displaying the original array elements and their types
Console.WriteLine("Printing original array elements and their types:");
for (int i = 0; i < mixedArray.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Value-> " + mixedArray[i] + " :: Type-> " + mixedArray[i].GetType());
// Calling the test method to convert the array of objects to an array of strings
string[] new_nums = test(mixedArray);
// Displaying the converted array elements and their types
Console.WriteLine("\nPrinting array elements and their types after conversion:");
for (int i = 0; i < new_nums.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Value-> " + new_nums[i] + " :: Type-> " + new_nums[i].GetType());
// Method to convert an array of objects to an array of strings
public static string[] test(object[] nums)
// Using Array.ConvertAll to convert each object to its string representation
return Array.ConvertAll(nums, x => x.ToString());
Sample Output:
Printing original array elements and their types: Value-> 25 :: Type-> System.Int32 Value-> Anna :: Type-> System.String Value-> False :: Type-> System.Boolean Value-> 4/15/2021 10:37:47 AM :: Type-> System.DateTime Value-> 112.22 :: Type-> System.Double Printing array elements and their types: Value-> 25 :: Type-> System.String Value-> Anna :: Type-> System.String Value-> False :: Type-> System.String Value-> 4/15/2021 10:37:47 AM :: Type-> System.String Value-> 112.22 :: Type-> System.String

C# Sharp Code Editor:
Previous: Write a C# Sharp program to convert an integer to string and a string to an integer.
Next: Write a C# Sharp program to swap a two digit given number and check whether the given number is greater than its swap value.
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