C#: Reverse the strings contained in each pair of matching parentheses in a given string
Reverse Strings in Parentheses
Write a C# program to reverse the strings contained in each pair of matching parentheses in a given string. It should also remove the parentheses from the given string.
Sample Solution:
C# Sharp Code:
using System;
using System.Linq;
public class Example
// Function to reverse and remove parentheses from a string
public static string reverse_remove_parentheses(string str)
// Find the last index of opening parenthesis '('
int lid = str.LastIndexOf('(');
// If no '(' is found, return the original string
if (lid == -1)
return str;
// Find the corresponding closing parenthesis ')' for the found '('
int rid = str.IndexOf(')', lid);
// Recursively process the substring inside the parentheses and reverse it
return reverse_remove_parentheses(
str.Substring(0, lid) +
new string(str.Substring(lid + 1, rid - lid - 1).Reverse().ToArray()) +
str.Substring(rid + 1)
// Main method to test the reverse_remove_parentheses function
public static void Main()
// Test the reverse_remove_parentheses function with different strings and print the results
Console.WriteLine(reverse_remove_parentheses("p(rq)st")); // Output: prqst
Console.WriteLine(reverse_remove_parentheses("(p(rq)st)")); // Output: pqrst
Console.WriteLine(reverse_remove_parentheses("ab(cd(ef)gh)ij")); // Output: abcefdghij
Sample Output:
pqrst tsrqp abhgefdcij

C# Sharp Code Editor:
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