C#: Sort the integers in ascending order without moving the number -5
Sort Integers Keeping -5 Fixed
Write a C# program to sort the integers in ascending order without moving the number -5.
Sample Solution:
C# Sharp Code:
using System;
using System.Linq;
public class Example
// Function to sort numbers in an array, keeping -5 values in their original positions
public static int[] sort_numbers(int[] arra)
// Extract and sort non-negative numbers (excluding -5)
int[] num = arra.Where(x => x != -5).OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();
int ctr = 0; // Counter for non-negative numbers used in sorting
// Map sorted non-negative numbers back to the array while preserving -5 values
return arra.Select(x => x >= 0 ? num[ctr++] : -5).ToArray();
// Main method to test the sort_numbers function
public static void Main()
// Test the sort_numbers function with an array and print the result
int[] x = sort_numbers(new int[] {-5, 236, 120, 70, -5, -5, 698, 280 });
// Print each element of the resulting array
foreach(var item in x)
Sample Output:
-5 70 120 236 -5 -5 280 698

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