C#: Check whether it is possible to create a strictly increasing sequence from a given sequence of integers as an array
Check Strictly Increasing Sequence
Write a C# program to check whether it is possible to create a strictly increasing sequence from a given sequence of integers as an array.
Sample Solution:
C# Sharp Code:
using System;
public class Example
// Function to test if an array can be made into an increasing sequence with at most one element change
public static bool test_Increasing_Sequence(int[] int_seq)
int x = 0; // Counter to track the number of required changes
// Loop through the array to check for non-increasing elements and count the changes needed
for (int i = 0; i < int_seq.Length - 1; i++)
// Check if the current element is greater than or equal to the next element
if (int_seq[i] >= int_seq[i + 1])
x++; // Increment the counter as a change is needed
// Check for the possibility of a larger gap (by comparing current and next-next elements)
if (i + 2 < int_seq.Length && int_seq[i] >= int_seq[i + 2])
x++; // Increment the counter as a change is needed
// Return true if the number of required changes is at most 2 (i.e., the array can be made increasing with at most one change)
return x <= 2;
// Main method to test the test_Increasing_Sequence function
public static void Main()
// Testing the test_Increasing_Sequence function with different input arrays
Console.WriteLine(test_Increasing_Sequence(new int[] {1, 3, 5, 6, 9})); // Output: True
Console.WriteLine(test_Increasing_Sequence(new int[] {0, 10})); // Output: True
Console.WriteLine(test_Increasing_Sequence(new int[] {1, 3, 1, 3})); // Output: False
Sample Output:
True True False

C# Sharp Code Editor:
Previous: Write a C# program which will accept a list of integers and checks how many integers are needed to complete the range.
Next: Write a C# program to calculate the sum of all the intgers of a rectangular matrix except those integers which are located below an intger of value 0.
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