C#: Get the century from a year
Find Century of Year
Write a C# program to get the century of a year.
Sample Solution:
C# Sharp Code:
using System;
public class Exercise
// Function to calculate the century from a given year
public static int centuryFromYear(int year)
// Calculation of the century by dividing the year by 100 and adding 1 if there's a remainder
return (int)(year / 100) + ((year % 100 == 0) ? 0 : 1);
public static void Main()
// Testing the centuryFromYear function with various year inputs and verifying the results
Console.WriteLine(centuryFromYear(1799) == 18); // Verifies if the century for year 1799 is 18
Console.WriteLine(centuryFromYear(1900) == 19); // Verifies if the century for year 1900 is 19
Console.WriteLine(centuryFromYear(1901) == 19); // Verifies if the century for year 1901 is 19
Console.WriteLine(centuryFromYear(1901) == 20); // This line seems to have an incorrect expectation (1901 can't be both 19th and 20th century)
Console.WriteLine(centuryFromYear(1806) == 19); // Verifies if the century for year 1806 is 19
Console.WriteLine(centuryFromYear(1568) == 20); // Verifies if the century for year 1568 is 20
Console.WriteLine(centuryFromYear(2010) == 21); // Verifies if the century for year 2010 is 21
Sample Output:
True True False True True False True

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