C#: Check if "HP" appears at second position in a string and returns the string without "HP"
Remove 'HP' from String
Write a C# program to check if "HP" appears at the second position in a string and return the string without "HP".

Sample Solution:-
C# Sharp Code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class Exercise37 {
static void Main(string[] args) {
// Define a string variable 'str' and assign it the value "PHP Tutorial"
string str = "PHP Tutorial";
// Check if the substring from index 1 of length 2 in 'str' equals "HP"
// If true, remove the substring "HP" starting from index 1; otherwise, keep the original string 'str'
Console.WriteLine((str.Substring(1, 2).Equals("HP") ? str.Remove(1, 2) : str));
Sample Output:
P Tutorial

C# Sharp Code Editor:
Previous: Write a C# program to check if an integer (from the two given integers) is in the range -10 to 10.
Next: Write a C# program to get a new string of two characters from a given string. The first and second character of the given string must be "P" and "H", so PHP will be "PH".
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