
C#: Remove specified a character from a non-empty string using index of a character

Remove Character by Index

Write a C# program that removes a specified character from a non-empty string using the index of a character.

C# Sharp Exercises: Remove specified a character from a non-empty string using index of a character

Sample Solution:

C# Sharp Code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Exercise15 {
    // This is the main method where the program execution starts
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Displaying the result after removing a character at the specified index
        Console.WriteLine(remove_char("w3resource", 1)); // Removes character at index 1
        Console.WriteLine(remove_char("w3resource", 9)); // Removes character at index 9 (if exists)
        Console.WriteLine(remove_char("w3resource", 0)); // Removes character at index 0

    // Function to remove a character at the specified index
    public static string remove_char(string str, int n)
        return str.Remove(n, 1); // Using Remove method to eliminate the character at index n

Test Data: w3resource

Sample Output:



Flowchart: C# Sharp Exercises - Remove specified a character from a non-empty string using index of a character

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