
C++ String Exercises: Sort characters in a string

Write a C++ program to sort characters (numbers and punctuation symbols are not included) in a string.

Visual Presentation:

C++ Exercises: Sort characters in a string

Sample Solution:

C++ Code :

#include <iostream> // Including input/output stream library
#include <string>   // Including string library for string manipulation

using namespace std; // Using the standard namespace

// Function to sort characters in a string in ascending order and remove spaces
string sort_characters(string text) {
	bool flag; // Flag for sorting loop

	char ch; // Temporary character for swapping

	// Loop to perform Bubble Sort
		flag = false; // Resetting flag to false at the beginning of each pass

		// Iterating through each character in the string
		for (int x = 0; x < text.length() - 1; x++)
			// Comparing adjacent characters and swapping if necessary to sort in ascending order
			if (text[x] > text[x + 1])
				ch = text[x];
				text[x] = text[x + 1];
				text[x + 1] = ch;
				flag = true; // Set flag if a swap occurs
	} while (flag); // Continue looping until no more swaps are needed (flag remains false)

	// Remove spaces from the sorted string
	string str; // Temporary string to store the sorted string without spaces
	for (int y = 0; y < text.length(); y++)
		if (text[y] != ' ')
			str.push_back(text[y]); // Append non-space characters to the temporary string

	return str; // Return the sorted string without spaces

int main() {
	// Display original text and sorted text without spaces
	cout << "Original text: python \nSorted text: ";
	cout << sort_characters("python") << endl;

	// Display another original text and its sorted version without spaces
	cout << "\nOriginal text: AaBb \nSorted text: ";
	cout << sort_characters("AaBb") << endl;

	// Display another original text and its sorted version without spaces
	cout << "\nOriginal text: the best way we learn anything is by practice and exercise questions \nSorted text: ";
	cout << sort_characters("the best way we learn anything is by practice and exercise questions") << endl;

	return 0; // Return 0 to indicate successful completion

Sample Output:

Original text: python 
Sorted text: hnopty

Original text: AaBb 
Sorted text: ABab

Original text: the best way we learn anything is by practice and exercise questions 
Sorted text: aaaaabbcccdeeeeeeeeeghhiiiiilnnnnnopqrrrssssstttttuwwxyyy


Flowchart: Sort characters in a string.

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