C++ String Exercises: Find the largest word in a given string
Write a C++ program to find the largest word in a given string.
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Sample Solution:
C++ Code :
#include <iostream> // Including input/output stream library
#include <string> // Including string library for string manipulation
using namespace std; // Using the standard namespace
// Function to find the longest word in a string
string Longest_Word(string text) {
string result_word, temp_str1; // Declare strings to store result and temporary substrings
// Loop through each character in the string
for (int x = 0; x < text.length(); x++)
// Check if the character is alphanumeric (letter or number)
if (text[x] != ' ' && (int(text[x]) >= 65 && int(text[x]) <= 90) || (int(text[x]) >= 97 && int(text[x]) <= 122) || (int(text[x] >= 48 && int(text[x]) <= 57)))
result_word.push_back(text[x]); // Add the character to the result word
break; // Break the loop if it's not alphanumeric
// Loop through each character in the string
for (int x = 0; x < text.length(); x++)
// Check if the character is alphanumeric
if (text[x] != ' ' && (int(text[x]) >= 65 && int(text[x]) <= 90) || (int(text[x]) >= 97 && int(text[x]) <= 122) || (int(text[x] >= 48 && int(text[x]) <= 57)))
temp_str1.push_back(text[x]); // Add the character to the temporary substring
// Check if it's the last character of the string and the temp substring is longer than the result word
if (x + 1 == text.length() && temp_str1.length() > result_word.length())
result_word = temp_str1; // Update the result word
// Check if the temporary substring is longer than the result word
if (temp_str1.length() > result_word.length())
result_word = temp_str1; // Update the result word
temp_str1.clear(); // Clear the temporary substring
return result_word; // Return the longest word found in the string
int main() {
// Display the original string and its longest word
cout << "Original String: C++ is a general-purpose programming language. \nLongest word: " << Longest_Word("C++ is a general-purpose programming language.") << endl;
// Display another original string and its longest word
cout << "\nOriginal String: The best way we learn anything is by practice and exercise questions. \nLongest word: " << Longest_Word("The best way we learn anything is by practice and exercise questions.") << endl;
// Display another original string and its longest word
cout << "\nOriginal String: Hello \nLongest word: " << Longest_Word("Hello") << endl;
return 0; // Return 0 to indicate successful completion
Sample Output:
Original String: C++ is a general-purpose programming language. Longest word: programming Original String: The best way we learn anything is by practice and exercise questions. Longest word: questions Original String: Hello Longest word: Hello
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