
C++ Object-Oriented Programming: Employee salary calculation

Write a C++ program to implement a class called Employee that has private member variables for name, employee ID, and salary. Include member functions to calculate and set salary based on employee performance.

Sample Solution:

C Code:

#include <iostream> // Include necessary header for input/output stream
#include <string> // Include necessary header for handling strings

class Employee { // Define a class named Employee
    std::string name; // Private member variable to store employee name
    int employeeId; // Private member variable to store employee ID
    double salary; // Private member variable to store employee salary

    // Constructor to initialize Employee object with provided details
    Employee(const std::string & empName, int empId, double empSalary): name(empName), employeeId(empId), salary(empSalary) {}

    // Member function to calculate salary based on performance rating
    void calculateSalary(double performanceRating) {
      if (performanceRating >= 0.0 && performanceRating <= 1.4) { // Check if performance rating is within valid range
        salary *= performanceRating; // Calculate updated salary based on performance rating
      } else {
        std::cout << "Invalid performance rating. Salary remains unchanged." << std::endl; // Output for an invalid performance rating

    // Member function to set salary
    void setSalary(double empSalary) {
      salary = empSalary; // Set employee salary

    // Member function to get employee name
    std::string getName() const {
      return name; // Return employee name

    // Member function to get employee ID
    int getEmployeeId() const {
      return employeeId; // Return employee ID

    // Member function to get employee salary
    double getSalary() const {
      return salary; // Return employee salary

int main() {
  // Create an employee object
  std::string empName; // Define variable to store employee name
  int empId; // Define variable to store employee ID
  double empSalary; // Define variable to store employee salary

  std::cout << "Input employee name: "; // Prompt user to input employee name
  std::cin >> empName; // Input for employee name

  std::cout << "Input employee ID: "; // Prompt user to input employee ID
  std::cin >> empId; // Input for employee ID

  std::cout << "Input employee salary: "; // Prompt user to input employee salary
  std::cin >> empSalary; // Input for employee salary

  Employee employee(empName, empId, empSalary); // Create Employee object with provided details

  // Calculate and display initial salary
  std::cout << "Initial salary: " << employee.getSalary() << std::endl; // Output initial salary

  // Perform salary calculation based on performance rating
  double performanceRating; // Define variable to store performance rating
  std::cout << "Input performance rating (0.0-1.2): "; // Prompt user to input performance rating
  std::cin >> performanceRating; // Input for performance rating

  employee.calculateSalary(performanceRating); // Calculate updated salary based on performance

  // Display updated salary
  std::cout << "Updated salary: " << employee.getSalary() << std::endl; // Output updated salary

  return 0; // Return 0 to indicate successful completion

Sample Output:

Input employee name: Florizan
Input employee ID: 12
Input employee salary: 1500
Initial salary: 1500
Input performance rating (0.0-1.2): 1.2
Updated salary: 1800
Input employee name: Hizkiah
Input employee ID: 222
Input employee salary: 1200
Initial salary: 1200
Input performance rating (0.0-1.2): .9
Updated salary: 1080


In the above exercise,

  • The Employee class is defined with private member variables name, employeeId, and salary representing the employee's name, ID, and salary.
  • The constructor Employee initializes the name, employeeId, and salary member variables.
  • The member function calculateSalary calculates the salary based on the provided performanceRating parameter. If the performance rating is within the valid range of 0.0 to 1.4, the salary is multiplied by the performance rating. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.
  • The member function setSalary sets the salary to the provided value.
  • The member functions getName, getEmployeeId, and getSalary are implemented to retrieve the values of the respective member variables.
  • In the main function, the user enters the employee's name, ID, and initial salary.
  • An instance of the Employee class is created using the provided values.
  • The initial salary is displayed.
  • The user is prompted to input a performance rating (a value between 0.0 and 1.4).
  • The calculateSalary member function is called on the employee object with the provided performance rating to calculate the updated salary.
  • The updated salary is displayed.


Flowchart: Employee salary calculation.
Flowchart: Employee salary calculation.

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