
C++ Exercises: Find the square root of a number using Babylonian method

Write a C++ program to find the square root of a number using the Babylonian method.

Sample Input: n = 50
Sample Output: 7.07107

Sample Input: n = 81
Sample Output: 9

Sample Solution:

C++ Code :

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Function to find the square root of a number
float square_Root(float num) 
    float x = num; // Initializing x as the given number
    float y = 1;   // Initializing y as 1 to be used in calculations
    float e = 0.000001; // The desired precision of the result

    // Loop to iteratively calculate the square root using the Babylonian method
    while (x - y > e) { 
        x = (x + y) / 2; // Update x with the average of x and y
        y = num / x;     // Update y to be the number divided by the updated x
    return x; // Return the calculated square root

int main() 
    // Testing the square_Root function for different values
    int n = 50; 
    cout << "Square root of " << n << " is " << square_Root(n); // Display the square root of 50

    n = 81; 
    cout << "\nSquare root of " << n << " is " << square_Root(n); // Display the square root of 81

    return 0; // Return 0 to indicate successful completion

Sample Output:

Square root of 50 is 7.07107
Square root of 81 is 9


Flowchart: Find the square root of a number using Babylonian method.

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