
C++ Exercises: Reverse a string

C++ For Loop: Exercise-85 with Solution

Write a program in C++ to reverse a string.

Visual Presentation:

C++ Exercises: Reverse a string

Sample Solution:-

C++ Code :

#include <iostream> // Including the input-output stream library
using namespace std; // Using standard namespace

// Function declaration to reverse the string recursively
void revOfString(const string& a);

int main() // Main function
    string str; // Declaring a string variable 'str'

    // Displaying a message to reverse a string
    cout << "\n\n Reverse a string:\n";
	cout << "----------------------\n";

	// Asking the user to enter a string
	cout << " Enter a string: ";
    getline(cin, str); // Taking the entire line as input and storing it in 'str'

    // Displaying a message before printing the reversed string
    cout << " The string in reverse are: ";

    // Calling the reverse string function

    return 0; // Returning 0 to indicate successful execution

// Function definition to reverse the string recursively
void revOfString(const string& str)
    size_t lengthOfString = str.size(); // Getting the length of the string

    // Checking if the length of the string is 1, then simply print the character and end the line
    if (lengthOfString == 1)
       cout << str << endl;
        // Print the last character of the string
        cout << str[lengthOfString - 1];

        // Recursively call the function by passing the substring from 0 to length - 1
        revOfString(str.substr(0, lengthOfString - 1));

Sample Output:

 Reverse a string:                                                     
 Enter a string: w3resource                                            
 The string in reverse are: ecruoser3w  


Flowchart: Reverse a string

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