C++ Dynamic Memory Allocation: Creating Objects with new Operator
Write a C++ program to dynamically create an object of a class using the new operator.
Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <iostream> // Including the Input/Output Stream Library
class MyClass { // Declaration of a class named MyClass
void displayMessage() { // Public member function within the class MyClass
std::cout << "Dynamic object!" << std::endl; // Outputting a message
int main() {
// Create a dynamic object of MyClass
MyClass * dynamicObject = new MyClass; // Dynamically allocating memory for an object of type MyClass
// Call the member function of the dynamic object
dynamicObject -> displayMessage(); // Accessing the member function of the dynamically created object using the pointer to the object
// Deallocate the dynamic object
delete dynamicObject; // Deallocating the memory occupied by the dynamic object
return 0; // Returning 0 to indicate successful execution of the program
Sample Output:
Dynamic object!
In the above exercise,
- At first we define a class called MyClass with a member function displayMessage() that simply outputs a message.
- Inside the main() function, we use the new operator to dynamically create an object of MyClass and assign its address to a pointer called dynamicObject. This dynamically created object resides in the heap memory.
- Then use the arrow operator (->) to call the displayMessage() member function of the dynamic object.
- Finally, deallocate the dynamically created object using the delete operator to free the memory occupied by the object.
![Flowchart: Creating Objects with new Operator.](https://www.w3resource.com/w3r_images/cpp-dynamic-memory-allocation-exercise-flowchart-5.png)
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