
C++ Dynamic Memory Allocation: Input character and string

Write a C++ program to dynamically allocate memory for a character and a string. Input a character and a string from the user.

Sample Solution:

C Code:

#include <iostream>  // Including the Input/Output Stream Library
#include <string>    // Including the String Library

int main() {
  // Dynamically allocate memory for a character
  char * dynamicChar = new char;  // Allocating memory to store a single character

  // Input a character from the user
  std::cout << "Input a character: ";
  std::cin >> * dynamicChar;  // Taking a single character input and storing it in the dynamically allocated memory

  // Dynamically allocate memory for a string
  std::string * dynamicString = new std::string;  // Allocating memory to store a string

  // Input a string from the user
  std::cout << "Input a string: ";
  std::cin.ignore();  // Ignoring the newline character from the previous input
  std::getline(std::cin, * dynamicString);  // Taking a string input and storing it in the dynamically allocated memory for string

  // Display the input character and string
  std::cout << "Input character: " << * dynamicChar << std::endl;  // Outputting the input character
  std::cout << "Input string: " << * dynamicString << std::endl;  // Outputting the input string

  // Deallocate the dynamically allocated memory
  delete dynamicChar;  // Deallocating the memory allocated for the character
  delete dynamicString;  // Deallocating the memory allocated for the string

  return 0;  // Returning 0 to indicate successful execution of the program

Sample Output:

Input a character: C
Input a string: C++ Exercises
Input character: C
Input string: C++ Exercises


In the above exercise,

  • First use the new operator to dynamically allocate memory for a character and a string. The character is allocated with new char and the string is allocated with new std::string.
  • Next prompt the user to input a character using std::cin >> *dynamicChar. The >> operator extracts the character from the user input and store it in the dynamically allocated character.
  • Again prompt the user to input a string using std::getline(std::cin, *dynamicString). The std::getline function reads the entire text line, including any spaces, and stores it in the dynamically allocated string.
  • Finally, display the input character and string using std::cout.


Flowchart: Input character and string.

CPP Code Editor:

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