
C++ Exercises: Prints three highest numbers from a list of numbers in descending order

C++ Basic: Exercise-63 with Solution

Write a C++ program that prints the three highest numbers from a list of numbers in descending order.

Visual Presentation:

C++ Exercises: Prints three highest numbers from a list of numbers in descending order

Sample Solution:

C++ Code :

#include <iostream> // Including input-output stream header file
#include <vector>   // Including vector header file
#include <algorithm> // Including algorithm header file for sort function
using namespace std; // Using the standard namespace

int main() { // Start of the main function
    vector<int> nums; // Declaring a vector to store integers

    int n;
    while (cin >> n) { // Loop to read integers from input until the end of input (Ctrl+D in terminal)
        nums.push_back(n); // Storing the read integers in the vector

    sort(nums.rbegin(), nums.rend()); // Sorting the vector in descending order

    for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i) { // Looping three times to print the first three elements of the sorted vector
        cout << nums[i] << endl; // Printing the elements

    return 0; // Indicating successful completion of the program

Sample Output:

Sample input : 2 5 3 7 29 1
Sample Output: 


Flowchart: Prints three highest numbers from a list of numbers in descending order

C++ Code Editor:

Previous: Write a C++ program to which reads an given integer n and prints a twin prime which has the maximum size among twin primes less than or equals to n.
Next: Write a C++ program to compute the sum of the two given integers and count the number of digits of the sum value.

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