C++ Exercises: Check whether the primitive values crossing the limits or not
Check Primitive Value Limits
Write a C++ program that checks whether primitive values cross the limit.
Sample Solution:
C++ Code :
#include <iostream> // Including the input-output stream header file
using namespace std; // Using the standard namespace
int main() // Start of the main function
cout << "\n\n Check whether the primitive values crossing the limits or not :\n"; // Outputting a message to check primitive values
cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; // Outputting a separator line
// Declaring and initializing various primitive data type variables
char gender = 'F'; // char is single-quoted
bool isEmployed = true; // true(non-zero) or false(0)
unsigned short numOfsons = 2; // [0, 255]
short yearOfAppt = 2009; // [-32767, 32768]
unsigned int YearlyPackage = 1500000; // [0, 4294967295]
double height = 79.48; // With fractional part
float gpa = 4.69f; // Need suffix 'f' for float
long totalDrawan = 12047235L; // Suffix 'L' for long
long long balance = 995324987LL;// Need suffix 'LL' for long long int
// Outputting the values of the variables
cout << " The Gender is : " << gender << endl;
cout << " Is she married? : " << isEmployed << endl;
cout << " Number of sons she has : " << numOfsons << endl;
cout << " Year of her appointment : " << yearOfAppt << endl;
cout << " Salary for a year : " << YearlyPackage << endl;
cout << " Height is : " << height << endl;
cout << " GPA is " << gpa << endl;
cout << " Salary drawn up to : " << totalDrawan << endl;
cout << " Balance till : " << balance << endl;
return 0; // Returning 0 to indicate successful program execution
} // End of the main function
Sample Output:
Check whether the primitive values crossing the limits or not : -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Gender is : F Is she married? : 1 Number of sons she has : 2 Year of her appointment : 2009 Salary for a year : 1500000 Height is : 79.48 GPA is 4.69 Salary drawn upto : 12047235 Balance till : 995324987

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