
C++ Exercises: Print an American flag on the screen

C++ Basic: Exercise-41 with Solution

Write a C++ program to print an American flag on the screen.

Visual Presentation:

C++ Exercises: Print an American flag on the screen

Sample Solution:

C++ Code :

#include <iostream> // Including the input-output stream header file

using namespace std; // Using the standard namespace

int main() // Start of the main function
    cout << "\n\n Print the American flag:\n"; // Outputting a message indicating the purpose of the program
    cout << "-----------------------------\n"; // Displaying a separator line

    // Outputting the pattern to represent an American flag with asterisks and equal signs
    cout << "* * * * * * ==================================\n"; // First row of the flag
    cout << " * * * * *  ==================================\n"; // Second row of the flag
    cout << "* * * * * * ==================================\n"; // Third row of the flag
    cout << " * * * * *  ==================================\n"; // Fourth row of the flag
    cout << "* * * * * * ==================================\n"; // Fifth row of the flag
    cout << " * * * * *  ==================================\n"; // Sixth row of the flag
    cout << "* * * * * * ==================================\n"; // Seventh row of the flag
    cout << " * * * * *  ==================================\n"; // Eighth row of the flag
    cout << "* * * * * * ==================================\n"; // Ninth row of the flag

    // Outputting the lower part of the flag representing the stripes
    cout << "==============================================\n"; // Rows representing the stripes of the flag (bottom)
    cout << "==============================================\n";
    cout << "==============================================\n";
    cout << "==============================================\n";
    cout << "==============================================\n";
    cout << "==============================================\n";
    cout << "==============================================\n";

    return 0; // Return statement indicating successful completion of the program

Sample Output:

 Print the American flag:                                              
* * * * * * ==================================                         
 * * * * *  ==================================                         
* * * * * * ==================================                         
 * * * * *  ==================================                         
* * * * * * ==================================                         
 * * * * *  ==================================                         
* * * * * * ==================================                         
 * * * * *  ==================================                         
* * * * * * ==================================                         


Flowchart: Print an American flag on the screen

C++ Code Editor:

Previous: Write a program in C++ to print the area and perimeter of a rectangle.
Next: Write a language program in C++ which accepts the user's first and last name and print them in reverse order with a space between them.

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