
C++ Exercises: Create a new string using first two characters of a given string

First Two Characters or Full String if Less Than 2

Write a C++ program to create a new string using the first two characters of a given string. If the string length is less than 2, return the original string.

Sample Solution:

C++ Code :

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Function 'test' returns the first two characters of the input string if its length is 2 or more
// Otherwise, it returns the entire input string
string test(string s1)
    // Checks if the length of the input string is less than 2
    if (s1.length() < 2)
        // Returns the input string 's1' if its length is less than 2
        return s1;
        // Returns the first two characters of the input string 's1'
        return s1.substr(0, 2);

// Main function to test the 'test' function
int main() 
    // Displays the output of the 'test' function for different string inputs
    cout << test("Hello") << endl;  // Output: "He" (first two characters of "Hello")
    cout << test("Hi") << endl;     // Output: "Hi" (entire string as length is 2)
    cout << test("H") << endl;      // Output: "H" (entire string as length is less than 2)
    cout << test(" ") << endl;      // Output: " " (entire string as length is less than 2)
    return 0;    

Sample Output:


Visual Presentation:

C++ Basic Algorithm Exercises: Create a new string using first two characters of a given string.


Flowchart: Create a new string using three copies of the last two character of a given string of length atleast two.

C++ Code Editor:

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Previous: Write a C++ program to create a new string using three copies of the last two character of a given string of length atleast two.
Next: Write a C++ program to create a new string of the first half of a given string of even length.

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