C Exercises: Demonstrate the working of keyword long
Write a C program to demonstrate the working of the keyword long.
Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include<stdio.h> // Include the standard input/output header file.
int main() // Start of the main function.
int a; // Declare an integer variable 'a'.
long b; // Declare a long integer variable 'b'.
long long c; // Declare a long long integer variable 'c'.
double e; // Declare a double precision floating-point variable 'e'.
long double f; // Declare a long double precision floating-point variable 'f'.
printf("\n Demonstrate the working of keyword long \n"); // Print a header message.
printf("------------------------------------------\n"); // Print a separator line.
printf(" The size of int = %ld bytes \n", sizeof(a)); // Print the size of 'a'.
printf(" The size of long = %ld bytes\n", sizeof(b)); // Print the size of 'b'.
printf(" The size of long long = %ld bytes\n", sizeof(c)); // Print the size of 'c'.
printf(" The size of double = %ld bytes\n", sizeof(e)); // Print the size of 'e'.
printf(" The size of long double = %ld bytes\n\n", sizeof(f)); // Print the size of 'f'.
return 0; // Return 0 to indicate successful execution of the program.
} // End of the main function.
Sample Output:
Demonstrate the working of keyword long ------------------------------------------ The size of int = 4 bytes The size of long = 8 bytes The size of long long = 8 bytes The size of double = 8 bytes The size of long double = 16 bytes

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