
C Program: Expression Tree from Postfix Expression and Evaluation

Write a C program to build an expression tree from a postfix expression. Evaluate and display the results.

Sample Solution:

C Code:

// Including necessary header files
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

// Structure for a node in the expression tree
struct TreeNode {
    char data;
    struct TreeNode* left;
    struct TreeNode* right;

// Function to create a new node
struct TreeNode* createNode(char value) {
    struct TreeNode* newNode = (struct TreeNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode));
    if (newNode != NULL) {
        newNode->data = value;
        newNode->left = NULL;
        newNode->right = NULL;
    return newNode;

// Function to check if a character is an operator
int isOperator(char c) {
    return (c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '*' || c == '/');

// Function to build an expression tree from a postfix expression
struct TreeNode* buildExpressionTree(char postfix[]) {
    struct TreeNode* stack[100];
    int top = -1;

    for (int i = 0; postfix[i] != '\0'; i++) {
        struct TreeNode* newNode = createNode(postfix[i]);

        if (isdigit(postfix[i])) {
            stack[++top] = newNode;
        } else if (isOperator(postfix[i])) {
            newNode->right = stack[top--];
            newNode->left = stack[top--];
            stack[++top] = newNode;

    return stack[top];

// Function to evaluate the expression tree
int evaluateExpressionTree(struct TreeNode* root) {
    if (root->data == '+') {
        return evaluateExpressionTree(root->left) + evaluateExpressionTree(root->right);
    } else if (root->data == '-') {
        return evaluateExpressionTree(root->left) - evaluateExpressionTree(root->right);
    } else if (root->data == '*') {
        return evaluateExpressionTree(root->left) * evaluateExpressionTree(root->right);
    } else if (root->data == '/') {
        return evaluateExpressionTree(root->left) / evaluateExpressionTree(root->right);
    } else {
        return root->data - '0'; // Convert character to integer

// Function to perform in-order traversal of the expression tree
void inOrderTraversal(struct TreeNode* root) {
    if (root != NULL) {
        printf("%c ", root->data);

// Function to free the memory allocated for the expression tree
void freeExpressionTree(struct TreeNode* root) {
    if (root != NULL) {

int main() {
    char postfixExpression[100];
    // Input postfix expression
    printf("Enter a postfix expression: ");
    scanf("%s", postfixExpression);

    // Build the expression tree
    struct TreeNode* root = buildExpressionTree(postfixExpression);

    // Display the in-order traversal of the expression tree
    printf("In-order Traversal of the Expression Tree: ");

    // Evaluate and display the result
    int result = evaluateExpressionTree(root);
    printf("Result: %d\n", result);

    // Free allocated memory

    return 0;


Enter a postfix expression: 23+5*
In-order Traversal of the Expression Tree: 2 + 3 * 5
Result: 25
Enter a postfix expression: 92/3*4+
In-order Traversal of the Expression Tree: 9 / 2 * 3 + 4
Result: 16
Enter a postfix expression: 82/3*
In-order Traversal of the Expression Tree: 8 / 2 * 3
Result: 12
Enter a postfix expression: 63/4*5+
In-order Traversal of the Expression Tree: 6 / 3 * 4 + 5
Result: 13


In the exercise above,

  • Include Headers:
    • Import the necessary standard C libraries.
  • Define Node Structure:
    • Declare a structure for a tree node containing data and pointers to left and right children.
  • Create Node Function:
    • Implement a function to create a new node with a given value.
  • Build Expression Tree Function:
    • Create a function that builds an expression tree from a given postfix expression.
  • Evaluate Expression Function:
    • Implement a function to evaluate the expression tree and return the result.
  • In-order Traversal Function:
    • Define a function to perform in-order traversal of the expression tree.
  • Main Function:
    • Read a postfix expression from the user.
    • Build an expression tree, evaluate it, and display the result.
    • Print the in-order traversal of the expression tree.
  • Example Usage:
    • Test the program with postfix expressions like 23+5* and observe the result and in-order traversal.
  • Input Data:
    • Use postfix expressions like 23+5* for testing.


Flowchart: C Program: Expression Tree from Postfix Expression and Evaluation.
Flowchart: C Program: Expression Tree from Postfix Expression and Evaluation.
Flowchart: C Program: Expression Tree from Postfix Expression and Evaluation.

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