C Programming: Replace every lowercase letter with the same uppercase
Write a C program to replace each lowercase letter with the same uppercase letter of a given string. Return the newly created string.
Sample Data:
("Python") -> "PYTHON"
("abcdcsd") -> "ABCDCSD"
Sample Solution-1:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Function to replace lowercase letters with their uppercase counterparts
char * test(char * text) {
// Check if the string is empty
if (!text[0])
return "No string found.";
char *tt = text;
// Loop through the string
while(*tt != '\0') {
// If the current character is a lowercase letter, convert it to uppercase
if (*tt >= 'a' && *tt <= 'z') {
*tt = *tt + 'A' - 'a'; // Conversion to uppercase
return text;
int main() {
// Example strings for testing
//char text[50] = "";
char text[50] = "Python";
//char text[50] = "abcdcsd";
printf("Original string: %s", text);
printf("\nReplace each lowercase letter with the same uppercase in the said string:\n%s ", test(text));
return 0;
Original string: Python Replace each lowercase letter with the same uppercase in the said string: PYTHON
Sample Solution-2:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Function to replace lowercase letters with their uppercase counterparts
char * test(char * text) {
// Check if the string is empty
if (!text[0])
return "No string found.";
int i, str_len = strlen(text);
// Allocate memory for the resulting string with the same length as the input
char * result_str = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * str_len);
// Loop through each character in the string
for (i = 0; i < str_len; i++) {
// If the character is a lowercase letter, convert it to uppercase
if (*(text + i) >= 'a' && *(text + i) <= 'z') {
*(result_str + i) = *(text + i) - 32; // Conversion to uppercase
} else {
*(result_str + i) = *(text + i); // Keep the character unchanged if it's not a lowercase letter
*(result_str + str_len) = '\0'; // Add the null terminator to mark the end of the string
return result_str;
int main() {
// Example strings for testing
//char text[50] = "";
//char text[50] = "Python";
char text[50] = "abcdcsd";
printf("Original string: %s", text);
printf("\nReplace each lowercase letter with the same uppercase in the said string:\n%s ", test(text));
return 0;
Original string: abcdcsd Replace each lowercase letter with the same uppercase in the said string: ABCDCSD
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