C Program: Priority Queue using max Heap - Enqueue and Dequeue operations
Write a C program that implements a priority queue using a max heap. Apply enqueue and dequeue operations on the priority queue.
Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_SIZE 100
// Structure to represent a priority queue
struct PriorityQueue {
int heap[MAX_SIZE]; // Array to store elements in the priority queue
int size; // Current size of the priority queue
// Function to swap two elements in the priority queue
void swap(int* a, int* b) {
int temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;
// Function to heapify a subtree rooted with node i
void maxHeapify(struct PriorityQueue* pq, int i) {
int largest = i; // Initialize largest as the root
int left = 2 * i + 1; // Calculate index of the left child
int right = 2 * i + 2; // Calculate index of the right child
// If left child is larger than root
if (left < pq->size && pq->heap[left] > pq->heap[largest])
largest = left;
// If right child is larger than largest so far
if (right < pq->size && pq->heap[right] > pq->heap[largest])
largest = right;
// If largest is not root
if (largest != i) {
// Swap the found largest element with the root
swap(&pq->heap[i], &pq->heap[largest]);
// Recursively heapify the affected sub-tree
maxHeapify(pq, largest);
// Function to build a max heap
void buildMaxHeap(struct PriorityQueue* pq) {
// Start from the last non-leaf node and heapify all nodes in reverse order
for (int i = pq->size / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
maxHeapify(pq, i);
// Function to enqueue an element into the priority queue
void enqueue(struct PriorityQueue* pq, int value) {
if (pq->size == MAX_SIZE) {
printf("Priority Queue is full. Cannot enqueue.\n");
pq->heap[pq->size] = value;
// Rebuild the max heap after enqueue operation
// Function to dequeue the maximum element from the priority queue
int dequeue(struct PriorityQueue* pq) {
if (pq->size == 0) {
printf("Priority Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue.\n");
return -1; // Assuming -1 is not a valid element in the priority queue
int maxElement = pq->heap[0];
pq->heap[0] = pq->heap[pq->size - 1];
// Rebuild the max heap after dequeue operation
maxHeapify(pq, 0);
return maxElement;
// Function to print the priority queue
void printPriorityQueue(struct PriorityQueue* pq) {
printf("Priority Queue: ");
for (int i = 0; i < pq->size; i++) {
printf("%d ", pq->heap[i]);
int main() {
struct PriorityQueue pq = {{5, 10, 4, 3, 1}, 5}; // Initialize a priority queue with some elements
printf("Initial ");
// Enqueue
enqueue(&pq, 15);
printf("After Enqueue (15): ");
// Dequeue
int maxElement = dequeue(&pq);
if (maxElement != -1) {
printf("Dequeued Max Element: %d\n", maxElement);
return 0;
Initial Priority Queue: 5 10 4 3 1 After Enqueue (15): Priority Queue: 15 10 5 3 1 4 Dequeued Max Element: 15 Priority Queue: 10 4 5 3 1
In the exercise above,
- Struct Definition:
- struct PriorityQueue: Represents a priority queue using an array-based max heap. It contains an array to store elements (heap) and the current size of the queue (size).
- Utility Functions:
- swap: Swaps two elements in the priority queue.
- maxHeapify: Ensures a subtree rooted at a given index maintains the max-heap property.
- buildMaxHeap: Constructs a max heap from an array.
- enqueue: Adds an element to the priority queue and rebuilds the max heap.
- dequeue: Removes the maximum element from the priority queue and rebuilds the max heap.
- printPriorityQueue: Prints the elements in the priority queue.
- Main Function:
- Initializes a priority queue with some elements.
- Demonstrates enqueue and dequeue operations on the priority queue by adding an element (enqueue) and removing the maximum element (dequeue).
- Outputs the priority queue before and after each operation to show the changes made.
C Programming Code Editor:
Previous: Implementing and testing Heapify function.
Next: Merge two Heaps into a single max Heap.
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