C Exercises: Convert a tm object to custom wide string textual representation
Write a program in C to convert a tm object to a custom wide string textual representation.
Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <locale.h>
int main(void) {
wchar_t buff[40]; // Wide character array to store the formatted date and time string
// Create a custom time structure with specified date and time
struct tm mytime = {
.tm_year = 116, // = year 2016 (years since 1900)
.tm_mon = 8, // = 9th month (0-based index)
.tm_mday = 2, // = 2nd day of the month
.tm_hour = 17, // = 17 hours
.tm_min = 51, // = 51 minutes
.tm_sec = 10 // = 10 seconds
printf("\n The textual representation of specified date and time :\n");
// Format the time structure to a wide character string based on the provided format specifier
if (wcsftime(buff, sizeof buff, L"%A %c", &mytime)) {
printf("\n%ls\n", buff); // Print the formatted date and time string using wide character format
} else {
puts("wcsftime failed"); // Print a message if wcsftime fails
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8"); // Change the locale to English (US) in UTF-8 encoding
if (wcsftime(buff, sizeof buff, L"%A %c", &mytime)) {
printf("%ls\n\n", buff); // Print the formatted date and time string in the specified locale
} else {
puts("wcsftime failed"); // Print a message if wcsftime fails after changing the locale
return 0;
The textual representation of specified date and time : Sunday 09/02/16 17:51:10 Sunday 09/02/16 17:51:10
C Programming Code Editor:
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