C Exercises: Calculate Electricity Bill
19. Electricity Bill Calculation
Write a program in C to calculate and print the electricity bill of a given customer. The customer ID, name, and unit consumed by the user should be captured from the keyboard to display the total amount to be paid to the customer.
The charge are as follow :
Unit | Charge/unit |
upto 199 | @1.20 |
200 and above but less than 400 | @1.50 |
400 and above but less than 600 | @1.80 |
600 and above | @2.00 |
If bill exceeds Rs. 400 then a surcharge of 15% will be charged and the minimum bill should be of Rs. 100/-
Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h> // Include the standard input/output header file.
#include <string.h> // Include the string header file.
void main()
int custid, conu; // Declare variables to store customer ID and consumed units.
float chg, surchg = 0, gramt, netamt; // Declare variables for charge, surcharge, gross amount, and net amount.
char connm[25]; // Declare a character array to store customer name.
printf("Input Customer ID :"); // Prompt user for input of customer ID.
scanf("%d", &custid); // Read and store the customer ID.
printf("Input the name of the customer :"); // Prompt user for input of customer name.
scanf("%s", connm); // Read and store the customer name.
printf("Input the unit consumed by the customer : "); // Prompt user for input of consumed units.
scanf("%d", &conu); // Read and store the consumed units.
if (conu < 200)
chg = 1.20; // Set charge based on consumed units.
else if (conu >= 200 && conu < 400)
chg = 1.50; // Set charge based on consumed units.
else if (conu >= 400 && conu < 600)
chg = 1.80; // Set charge based on consumed units.
chg = 2.00; // Set charge based on consumed units.
gramt = conu * chg; // Calculate gross amount.
if (gramt > 300)
surchg = gramt * 15 / 100.0; // Calculate surcharge if gross amount is greater than 300.
netamt = gramt + surchg; // Calculate net amount.
if (netamt < 100)
netamt = 100; // Set minimum net amount to 100.
printf("\nElectricity Bill\n");
printf("Customer IDNO :%d\n", custid);
printf("Customer Name :%s\n", connm);
printf("unit Consumed :%d\n", conu);
printf("Amount Charges @Rs. %4.2f per unit :%8.2f\n", chg, gramt);
printf("Surchage Amount :%8.2f\n", surchg);
printf("Net Amount Paid By the Customer :%8.2f\n", netamt);
Input Customer ID :10001 Input the name of the customer :James Input the unit consumed by the customer : 800 Electricity Bill Customer IDNO :10001 Customer Name :James unit Consumed :800 Amount Charges @Rs. 2.00 per unit : 1600.00 Surchage Amount : 240.00 Net Amount Paid By the Customer : 1840.00
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