
C Exercises: Calculate the total, percentage and division to take marks of three subjects

Write a C program to read the roll no, name and marks of three subjects and calculate the total, percentage and division.

Sample Solution:

SQL Code:

#include <stdio.h>    // Include the standard input/output header file.
#include <string.h>   // Include the string handling functions.

void main()
    int rl, phy, che, ca, total;   // Declare variables for roll number, marks, total, etc.
    float per;   // Declare a variable to store percentage.
    char nm[20], div[10];   // Declare arrays for name and division.

    printf("Input the Roll Number of the student :");   // Prompt user for input.
    scanf("%d", &rl);   // Read and store roll number.

    printf("Input the Name of the Student :");   // Prompt user for input.
    scanf("%s", nm);   // Read and store name.

    printf("Input the marks of Physics, Chemistry and Computer Application : ");   // Prompt user for input.
    scanf("%d %d %d", &phy, &che, &ca);   // Read and store marks for three subjects.

    total = phy + che + ca;   // Calculate total marks.
    per = total / 3.0;   // Calculate percentage.

    if (per >= 60)   // Check if percentage is greater than or equal to 60.
        strcpy(div, "First");   // Assign division as "First" if condition is true.
    else if (per < 60 && per >= 48)   // Check if percentage is between 48 and 60.
        strcpy(div, "Second");   // Assign division as "Second" if condition is true.
    else if (per < 48 && per >= 36)   // Check if percentage is between 36 and 48.
        strcpy(div, "Pass");   // Assign division as "Pass" if condition is true.
    else   // If none of the above conditions are met.
        strcpy(div, "Fail");   // Assign division as "Fail".

    printf("\nRoll No : %d\nName of Student : %s\n", rl, nm);   // Print roll number and name.
    printf("Marks in Physics : %d\nMarks in Chemistry : %d\nMarks in Computer Application : %d\n", phy, che, ca);   // Print marks in each subject.
    printf("Total Marks = %d\nPercentage = %5.2f\nDivision = %s\n", total, per, div);   // Print total marks, percentage, and division.


Input the Roll Number of the student :784                                                                     
Input the Name of the Student :James                                                                          
Input  the marks of Physics, Chemistry and Computer Application : 70 80 90                                    
Roll No : 784                                                                                                 
Name of Student : James                                                                                       
Marks in Physics : 70                                                                                         
Marks in Chemistry : 80                                                                                       
Marks in Computer Application : 90                                                                            
Total Marks = 240                                                                                             
Percentage = 80.00                                                                                            
Division = First  


Flowchart: Calculate the total, percentage and division to take marks of three subjects.

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