
Find all divisors of a given integer

C Practice Exercise

Write a C program that reads and prints the elements of an array of length 7. Before printing, replace every negative number, zero, with 100.

Pictorial Presentation:

C Programming: Read and print the elements of an array of length 7 replacing some values

Sample Solution:

C Code:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    int n[5], i, x;
    // Input the 5 members of the array
    printf("Input the 5 members of the array:\n");
    for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        scanf("%d", &x);
        if(x > 0) {
            n[i] = x;
        } else {
            n[i] = 100;
    // Print the array values
    printf("Array values are: \n");
    for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        printf("n[%d] = %d\n", i, n[i]);
    return 0;

Sample Output:

Input the 5 members of the array:                                      
Array values are:                                                      
n[0] = 25                                                              
n[1] = 45                                                              
n[2] = 35                                                              
n[3] = 65                                                              
n[4] = 15


C Programming Flowchart: Read and print the elements of an array of length 7 replacing some values

C programming Code Editor:

Previous: Write a C program that reads an integer and find all its divisor.
Next: Write a C program to read and print the elements of an array of length 7, before print, put the triple of the previous position starting from the second position of the array.

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