
Print block 'F' and a large 'C'

C Practice Exercise

Write a C program to print a block F using the hash (#), where the F has a height of six characters and width of five and four characters. And also print a very large 'C'.

Block of 'F':

C Code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() 
    // Print a line of hashes
    // Print a single hash
    // Print a single hash
    // Print a line of hashes
    // Print a single hash
    // Print a single hash
    // Print a single hash


Sample Output:


Pictorial Presentation:

C Programming: Print a block F using hash (#)


C Programming Flowchart: Print a block F using hash

Print a big 'C':

C Code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() 
    // Print top line of pattern
    printf("    ######\n");
    // Print second line of pattern
    printf("  ##      ##\n");
    // Print lines 3 to 7 of pattern
    printf(" #\n");
    printf(" #\n");
    printf(" #\n");
    printf(" #\n");
    printf(" #\n");
    // Print bottom line of pattern
    printf("  ##      ##\n");
    // Print last line of pattern
    printf("    ######\n");


Sample Output:

  ##      ##                                                           
  ##      ##                                                           

Pictorial Presentation:

C Programming: Print a big C


C Programming Flowchart: Print a big C

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a C program to print a mirrored block letter 'F' using asterisks (*) with a hollow middle section.
  • Write a C program to print a large, hollow 'C' with an inner space pattern and border highlights.
  • Write a C program to print a rotated 'F' (90 degrees clockwise) with consistent block pattern style.
  • Write a C program to print an alternating pattern combining block letters 'F' and 'C' in a zigzag arrangement.

C Programming Code Editor:

Previous: Write a C program to get the C version you are using.
Next: Write a C program to print the following characters in a reverse way.

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