C Exercises: From seven integer values find the highest value and it's position
Find max value and position from 7 integers
Write a C program that reads seven integer values from the user and finds the highest value and its position.
Sample Solution:
C Code:>
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
// Declare variables
int x, i, n = 0, temp_num = 0, position = 0;
// Prompt user for input
printf("Input 6 numbers (integer values):\n");
// Loop to read and process 6 numbers
for (i = 1; i < 7; i++){
// Read an integer from user and store it in 'x'
scanf("%d", &x);
n = x; // Assign 'x' to 'n'
// Check if 'n' is greater than or equal to 'temp_num'
if (n >= temp_num){
temp_num = n; // Update 'temp_num' with the new maximum value
position = i; // Update 'position' with the current position
// Print the maximum value and its position
printf("\nMaximum value: %d\n", temp_num);
printf("Position: %d", position);
return 0; // End of program
Sample Output:
Input 6 numbers (integer values): 15 20 25 17 -8 35 Maximum value: 35 Position: 6

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