C Exercises: Test two integers are multiply or not
Check if two integers are multiples of each other
Write a C program that takes two integers and tests whether they are multiplied or not.
In science, a multiple is the product of any quantity and an integer. In other words, for the quantities a and b, we say that b is a multiple of a if b = na for some integer n, which is called the multiplier. If a is not zero, this is equivalent to saying that b/a is an integer.
Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
// Declare unsigned short integer variables x, y, and multi
unsigned short int x, y, multi;
// Prompt the user to input two integers
printf("Input two integers: \n");
// Read the input values for x and y
scanf("%hd %hd", &x, &y);
// Check if x is greater than y
if (x > y){
// Calculate the remainder when x is divided by y
multi = x % y;
// Check if the remainder is zero
if ( multi == 0){
printf("Not Multiplies\n");
// Calculate the remainder when y is divided by x
multi = y % x;
// Check if the remainder is zero
if (multi == 0){
printf("Not Multiplies\n");
Sample Output:
Input two integers: 3 9 Multiplies

- Write a C program to verify if one integer is a multiple of another using the modulus operator.
- Write a C program to test the multiplicity of two numbers and display the multiplier if true.
- Write a C program that uses a user-defined function to check if two numbers are mutually multiples.
- Write a C program to determine multiplicity between two integers and handle edge cases when one or both are zero.
C programming Code Editor:
Previous: Write a C program that reads three integers and sort the numbers in ascending order. Print the original numbers and sorted numbers.
Next: Write a C program that read the item’s price and create new item price and increased price of that item according to the item price table.
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