C Exercises: Convert a given amount to possible number of notes and coins
Convert a currency value into notes and coins
Write a C program to convert a currency value (floating point with two decimal places) to the number of coins and notes.
Possible Notes: 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1
Possible Coins: 0.50, 0.25, 0.10, 0.05 and 0.01
Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() {
double amt;
unsigned int int_amt, frac_amt;
// Prompt the user to input the currency value
printf("Input the currency value (floating point with two decimal places):\n");
// Read the input value
scanf("%lf", &amt);
// Separate the integer part and fractional part
int_amt = (int) amt;
amt -= int_amt;
frac_amt = round((amt * 100));
// Display currency notes
printf("\nCurrency Notes:");
// Calculate and display 100 rupee notes
printf("\n100 number of Note(s): %d", int_amt / 100);
// Update the integer amount after deducting 100 rupee notes
int_amt -= (int_amt / 100) * 100;
// Check and display 50 rupee note
if (int_amt > 50) {
printf("\n50 number of Note(s): 1");
int_amt -= 50;
// Check and display 20 rupee notes
if (int_amt/20 > 0)
printf("\n20 number of Note(s): %d", int_amt / 20);
// Update the integer amount after deducting 20 rupee notes
int_amt -= (int_amt / 20) * 20;
// Check and display 10 rupee notes
if (int_amt/10 > 0)
printf("\n10 number of Note(s): %d", int_amt / 10);
// Update the integer amount after deducting 10 rupee notes
int_amt -= (int_amt / 10) * 10;
// Check and display 5 rupee notes
if (int_amt/5 > 0)
printf("\n5 number of Note(s): %d", int_amt / 5);
// Update the integer amount after deducting 5 rupee notes
int_amt -= (int_amt / 5) * 5;
// Check and display 2 rupee notes
if (int_amt > 0)
printf("\n2 number of Note(s): %d", int_amt / 2);
// Update the integer amount after deducting 2 rupee notes
int_amt -= (int_amt / 2) * 2;
// Check and display 1 rupee notes
if (int_amt > 0)
printf("\n1 number of Note(s): %d", int_amt);
// Display currency coins
printf("\n\nCurrency Coins:");
// Check and display 50 paise coins
if (frac_amt > 50) {
printf("\n.50 number of Coin(s): 1");
frac_amt -= 50;
// Check and display 25 paise coins
if (frac_amt/25 > 0)
printf("\n.25 number of Coin(s): %d", frac_amt / 25);
// Update the fractional amount after deducting 25 paise coins
frac_amt -= (frac_amt / 25) * 25;
// Check and display 10 paise coins
if (frac_amt/10 > 0)
printf("\n.10 number of Coin(s): %d", frac_amt / 10);
// Update the fractional amount after deducting 10 paise coins
frac_amt -= (frac_amt / 10) * 10;
// Check and display 5 paise coins
if (frac_amt/5 > 0)
printf("\n.05 number of Coin(s): %d", frac_amt / 5);
// Update the fractional amount after deducting 5 paise coins
frac_amt -= (frac_amt / 5) * 5;
// Check and display 1 paise coins
if (frac_amt > 0)
printf("\n.01 number of Coin(s): %d", frac_amt);
return 0;
Sample Output:
Input the currency value (floating point with two decimal places): 10387.75 Currency Notes: 100 number of Note(s): 103 50 number of Note(s): 1 20 number of Note(s): 1 10 number of Note(s): 1 5 number of Note(s): 1 2 number of Note(s): 1 Currency Coins: .50 number of Coin(s): 1 .25 number of Coin(s): 1

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:
- Write a C program to convert a floating-point currency value into the optimal combination of notes and coins using a greedy algorithm.
- Write a C program to break down a currency amount into notes and coins and display the count for each denomination.
- Write a C program to convert a monetary value into various denominations while handling rounding errors appropriately.
- Write a C program to determine the minimum number of notes and coins needed for a given currency value with proper input validation.
C programming Code Editor:
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