How to use PostgreSQL pg_cron for Task Scheduling?
PostgreSQL pg_cron: Simplifying Scheduled Tasks
pg_cron is a PostgreSQL extension that enables scheduling and execution of SQL-based tasks within the database. It is useful for automating repetitive jobs like backups, data synchronization, or regular maintenance.
The pg_cron extension allows PostgreSQL users to run cron-like scheduled tasks directly within the database. It integrates the cron job scheduler with SQL, eliminating the need for external tools like cron or task schedulers.
pg_cron jobs are managed using SQL commands and stored in a system catalog table. The scheduler relies on the database's background worker processes to execute the tasks.
- PostgreSQL version 10 or higher.
- The pg_cron extension must be installed on the server.
- Access to a cron.database_name role for executing jobs.
Installation and Setup
Step 1: Install pg_cron
On a Linux-based system, use the following command:
sudo apt install postgresql-pg-cron
Step 2: Enable the Extension
Load the pg_cron extension into a specific database.
Step 3: Configure postgresql.conf
Update the PostgreSQL configuration to include shared_preload_libraries.
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_cron'
- Restart PostgreSQL to apply changes.
SELECT cron.schedule( 'job_name', -- Unique identifier for the job 'cron_timing', -- Standard cron expression 'SQL_command' -- SQL to be executed );
1. Scheduling a Daily Backup
-- Schedule a backup job to run every day at 2 AM
SELECT cron.schedule(
'0 2 * * *',
$$ BACKUP DATABASE my_database TO '/backup/daily' $$
- daily_backup: Unique name for the job.
- 0 2 * * *: Cron expression for 2 AM every day.
- BACKUP DATABASE: SQL command executed at the scheduled time.
2. Refreshing a Materialized View
-- Refresh a materialized view every 6 hours
SELECT cron.schedule(
'0 */6 * * *',
- The cron expression (0 */6 * * *) specifies every 6 hours.
- The SQL command refreshes the materialized view at the specified interval.
3. Automated Data Cleanup
-- Schedule a job to clean up old records daily
SELECT cron.schedule(
'30 3 * * *',
$$ DELETE FROM logs WHERE created_at < NOW() - INTERVAL '30 days' $$
- The task runs at 3:30 AM daily (30 3 * * *).
- Deletes logs older than 30 days to maintain database efficiency.
4. Viewing Scheduled Jobs
Retrieve all scheduled tasks using:
SELECT * FROM cron.job;
Job Management Commands
Disabling a Job:
SELECT cron.unschedule(job_id);
Updating a Job:
SELECT cron.update(job_id, 'new_cron_timing', 'new_SQL_command');
Dropping a Job:
SELECT cron.unschedule(job_id);
Advantages of using pg_cron
- Centralized scheduling of database tasks.
- Reduces reliance on external tools.
- Directly integrates with PostgreSQL’s SQL ecosystem.
- Allows monitoring of scheduled tasks using SQL queries.
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