
Using the NULLIF Function in PostgreSQL for Conditional Null Values

Using NULLIF in PostgreSQL to Handle Null Values

In PostgreSQL, NULLIF is a conditional function that returns NULL if two expressions are equal; otherwise, it returns the first expression. This function is particularly useful for handling cases where specific values need to be treated as NULL in queries, such as avoiding division by zero or standardizing empty values.

Syntax of NULLIF

NULLIF(expression1, expression2)


  • expression1: The primary expression or value.
  • expression2: The value to compare with expression1.

If expression1 equals expression2, NULLIF will return NULL. If they differ, NULLIF returns the value of expression1.

Example 1: Using NULLIF to Avoid Division by Zero

When dividing two numbers, dividing by zero will cause an error. NULLIF can help avoid this by converting zero to NULL, which prevents the division:


SELECT amount / NULLIF(quantity, 0) AS result
FROM orders;


  • amount is divided by quantity.
  • NULLIF(quantity, 0) checks if quantity is zero.
  • If quantity is zero, NULLIF returns NULL, preventing division by zero.
  • If quantity is not zero, the division proceeds normally.

Example 2: Handling Empty or Default Values with NULLIF

Consider a situation where an empty string ('') should be treated as NULL in a query. NULLIF can help normalize the data:


SELECT NULLIF(customer_name, '') AS normalized_name
FROM customers;


  • NULLIF(customer_name, '') checks if customer_name is an empty string.
  • If it is, NULLIF returns NULL; otherwise, it returns the value of customer_name.
  • This can be useful when performing further operations that treat NULL values differently from empty strings.

Example 3: Combining NULLIF with Other Functions

NULLIF can be combined with functions like COALESCE to provide fallback values:


SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF(price, 0), 'N/A') AS display_price
FROM products;


  • NULLIF(price, 0) checks if price is zero.
  • If price is zero, it returns NULL.
  • COALESCE then provides a default value ('N/A') if NULL is returned by NULLIF, making it useful for handling cases where zero values should be masked.

Explanation of Key Cases:

  • Avoid Division by Zero: NULLIF can protect against errors by substituting NULL for zero, which is especially helpful in calculations.
  • Standardize Empty Values: NULLIF converts empty strings or specific placeholders to NULL, making data easier to work with.
  • Flexible Value Handling: When combined with COALESCE, NULLIF allows for dynamic value substitution, offering a way to manage placeholder values and default fallbacks.

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